Your Story and the Great Shift of Time

Your Story and the Great Shift of Time
Photo by Patrick Tomasso / Unsplash

Your story

I ended up on someone’s feed with no recollection of how I got connected to her. She would post once a day, with three slides, each one with a quote. Somehow, the quotes each connected to one another and each little triplet message seemed to be speaking directly to me. I would check it everyday. It was both comforting and enlightening.

Throughout life I’ve noticed many similar experiences. I know when I’m reading the right book at the right time; it speaks to me everyday in a meaningful way, regardless of subject matter. I know when I’m in the right place at the right time because I’ll see signs and have experiences that are too coincidental, too aligned to simply be random.

Our lives are so interconnected; our stories are connected to our past, to the future, to events that happened on the other side of the world or to deep experiences that started inside someone else you’ve never met. There’s a wonderfully woven interconnection between us and our stories as well as an equally unique aspect to each of our experiences.

I’m going to tell you one very important aspect of your story. And it just might connect with other stories, experiences or little signs popping up everywhere in your life that neither of us could ever plan. Perhaps, it’ll all just come together perfectly in your mind and illuminate the equally unique part of your story as well.

Storytime // Art by IG @postwook

The Context:

Let’s begin by painting you a picture of the incredible time in which your story unfolds.

We are in the middle of several major shifts. These shifts are global transitions in major areas of life and understanding, areas such as Technology, Education, Energy and a shift in the Ages (among others). These four are broad categories that encompass many aspects of our development, understanding and day-to-day lives. I go into all of them more extensively in my book (Inner World Development: A Game Changers Guide to (R)evolution) but for now, I’m going to focus on the most interesting and important to you: the shift in the Ages.

According to ancient and modern astrological charts, the current generations are experiencing a rare ‘shift in an age’. Spiritual, astrological and even biblical realms refer to the Dawn of Aquarius as the Turning of the Great Ages. For those less familiar with the study of the cosmos, let me catch you up. We’ve been in the Age of Pisces since around 1 AD. Pisces is a dual sign represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions. This may explain the strong duality seen in the world, including the un-integrated masculine and feminine, the inner world vs the outer world, and so on over the past two thousand years or so.

Due to the long range of time between shifts in the Ages, being alive in the actual transition between two great ages is something rare indeed. Moreover, the gap between the great ages is getting shorter (meaning historically, it’s been even more rare to actually be alive during such a unique transition). Lastly, the Dawn of Aquarius, or the Age of Aquarius has been one of the most prophesied, predicted and talked about ages throughout time.

A Shift in the Ages // Art by IG @leafandpetaldesign

When is this Turning of the Great Ages, exactly? While there are many estimates ranging in dates throughout the year 2020, most agree on the ‘wave’ theory. This theory suggests that the shifting of Great Ages doesn’t happen overnight nor is it scheduled for a certain day, but instead rolls in over a period of time, much like the tide slowly comes in or out. This transition can happen over many years. Most astronomers and astrologers agree that we are in that transition now (2020), as it likely started around 2000 AD.

What does this Turning of the Great Age mean, exactly? Santokh Singh Khalsa, D.C., Master Teacher and Director of the Awareness Center in Pasadena, California, speaks to these possibilities and writes “these outer developments are really reflections of an inner shift taking place, one that relates to an awakening of mind throughout the culture. Symbolically understood, air is the medium through which we communicate ideas, and is the element most associated with rationality and thinking. This means that the Aquarian Age will likely usher in major advances in humanity's intellectual growth, though probably at widely varying levels of sophistication.”

As we progress from Pisces to Aquarius, we find ourselves transitioning between extremely contrasting and often conflicting value systems. InnerSelf Publication speaks to this transitional uniqueness by writing “ If the Great Ages represent a Shakespearean drama of cosmic proportions, then we have stepped onstage precisely at the point between acts, as it were, when the old props and back-drops have begun to be replaced by new ones”.

But what will that new age bring? Who knows, exactly? (unless you do, then please email me). Some prophecies of old speak of the Age of Aquarius as an age of enlightenment, of brotherly love, peace, a ‘kingdom of heaven’ of sorts where our advancements lie in the non-tangibles of life. Others however have voiced the fears of many by speculating the coming of an Orwellian future where we become a slave to all our advancements, living in police states, and marching around like empty vessels.

The key here is that you, out of all the people in all of history, have a role to play in the transition of the Great Ages. You have a unique role to play in setting the stage for the next scene to unfold in history. You may play a crucial role in the difference between an age of enlightenment or an Orwellian future. You are part of a very unique group in all of history, one that gets to usher in a New Age and set the tone for how our next step in evolution, progress and advancement will unfold.

The World is Changing and I'm on the Transition Team // Art by IG @postwook

You might be wondering ‘how’ right now… How could you play a role? How could you possibly be part of a shift this big? How could your actions possibly have any effect on how this plays out?

These are excellent questions. And if you permit me one more day to continue this story, I will tell you something even stranger and more exciting than what you’ve heard today and we’ll continue your story to find out how you really can and do play a role in one of the greatest shifts our world has ever seen.

Til then,

Jesska Layne Herfst, MAPC