A Game Changer's Mantra: 2025 Edition

In 2024 I welcomed the new year with a February post. It announced a commitment to a mindset, to empowerment, to the process of overcoming despite the hands we were dealt.
Now, as 2025 is upon us- we continue the tradition. The Game Changer is back with fresh energy, exciting news, and lots of surprises lined up for you this year.
To kick it off, I present to you, the Game Changer's Mantra for 2025:
“Inner evolution creates external revolution.”
Our new mantra holds three key assumptions:
- Your inner world is always writing a script. The outer world plays it out.
- Your deepest beliefs run the show. You will always live out your deepest-held convictions, even if you're unaware of them. Change these core stories and the whole production changes with you.
- Thus, you’re not just in the story—you’re writing it. Choose wisely.

Behind the Curtain: How Inner Evolution Creates External Revolution

Inner Evolution: The Call To Go In
“Every great transformation begins in the unseen realm. The seed takes root underground, in a completely different form than what it will be when it breaks through the soil. The sun rises only after the darkness of the night has completed its work. The new realities we crave are born in the same way—they start in the hidden and unseen realms. It all starts within.”
Most of us are conditioned to seek change externally—new jobs, better routines, bigger opportunities. These can and do work for a season. But here’s the truth we all eventually confront: the outside world, the external solutions, they only take us so far. Despite our best efforts to manipulate and control our outer circumstances, we plateau, we hit a wall, we find rock bottom, we 'come to the end of our rope', and that my friend, is the beginning of all the best stories.
At some point we realize the outer world is not the one true reality, it is a mirror, reflecting what’s already happening inside. The key to everything we desire isn’t 'out there'. It’s within us.
This year, our theme is simple but profound: All external change follows inner change. Or, in my super cool lingo: inner evolution creates external revolution.
Game Changers learn to take this strange perceptual leap. They don’t wait for the outside world to shift first anymore—they go in and find the key.
The Call To Go In: A Short Story

“I thought the answer was out there—a new direction, a better strategy, a fresh start. But nothing stuck. It wasn’t until I turned inward that everything began to radically change.”
Most people think that because this is my work, I must be some magical guru who lives in a lovely la la land of all things inner world. It's not true. I'm a recovering addict; my compulsion was to fix any and ALL problems with a direct route to outer-world solutions. I want the fastest, most efficient, and direct way to control, fix, and subdue all professional and personal dysfunction or problems of any scope. And to be fair, there was a season of life where this seemed to 'work'.
Then it stopped working. No amount of strategies, books, programs, gurus, or other people's solutions seemed to work for me. It was only getting worse.
At the peak of my frustration, I looked back to the times when life seemed to flow, when I was in touch with my 'genius', and when life seemed to move in miraculous ways for me. I craved more than just success or survival, I wanted my life to have adventure, beauty, and mastery of my craft- I craved a fantastical story to live out. When I felt like I veered too far from that, when I got too far in the trenches of 'trying to make everything work', I sat back and remembered when life moved more like an incredible story unfolding.
The Universal Truth – External Change Follows Inner Change

It's the strangest thing. When I was deep in my inner world, rapidly building out and upgrading beliefs, when I was in touch with my soul and actively healing, when I was in love with my gifting and following the intuitive directives from it- things moved differently. Life offered me the most incredible new scenes, complete with more than what I set out to accomplish. Things moved better than they did when I was trying super hard every day to make everything work better.
Cognitively I know the inner approach works wonders but it always felt vulnerable to me. It felt backward.
For a while, this was all a deeply interesting experiment: to learn, study, and live out this thesis over and over again- and to assist others along the way. I saw and experienced miraculous things. Then I encountered my toughest trial in adulthood. I've shared my journey with you all. I suffered a great loss. There was no greater test to the inner work than the loss of our son.
Everything in my life went on the chopping block. Only what could pass through the fire of that ordeal would stay with me. I didn't care if I had to abandon almost 20 years of this work, I had a fantasy of running a flower shop or a bookstore anyway. I didn't care anymore. Anything in my life that remained after that event would have to prove itself worthy.
Outer Revolution: The Reflection of Our Inner World

Our mantra for this year is what made it out of the fire.
Pain drives us to do many things, one of which is to find solutions. I needed the highest and best, not just for my soul, but for my business, for my life, for my relationships- I needed something worth getting up for and fighting for despite taking some big losses.
The inner world development process, the art of going in first, the vulnerable release of trying to control the outer details when it's an inner process that changes everything- this work went deep. Deeper than I've ever gone before. And I found gold there. Pure gold.
I'm not perfect and life is not perfect- that's not the adventure I asked for. However, I can honestly say I live in a real peace day-to-day. I'm not controlled by the fear of the unknown or the wounds of the past. I have relationships with real love, I'm living my calling, my business is evolving, I am actively healing, I am in love with my gifts and I have learned a deep level of what it means to have an inner evolution that creates an outer revolution.
Transformations, the real ones, the ones we crave, the ones that can save our businesses, our marriages, our kids- they require all the unseen things, the inner things, to change first. Then we see the results play out in the outer world.
The Stage is Yours: The World Awaits Your Revolution

Similar to my personal story, all of my clients have this one issue in common: what got them to one level won't get them to the next. All the books, programs, and strictly outer-world strategies only go so far. Without inner change, the best-laid strategies won't hold.
The inner world knocks and demands an evolution to bring forth the true calling in each of us. This is happening in droves professionally, personally, and collectively. Inner world development is the foundation for the true work we're supposed to be doing in business, in our relationships, and in our life's calling.
For Game Changers, you won't be satisfied until you go in and accomplish the true work.
The world is waiting for you to play your note, to be part of the outer world revolution. What does that look like? If you're reading this right now then I can confidently say it looks a lot like this year's mantra. Broken down it looks like this:
- Inner Mastery: It's time to observe, untangle, and re-organize the stories and beliefs that keep you stuck. Learn how to intentionally and consistently change the scenes you live out in business and in your relationships. This is a key skill that unlocks all the rest.
- Healing (aka Deal With Your Shit): We all have shit to heal from, there's no shame in that. Learn to engage pain, trauma, and stuck narratives that keep addictions, old behaviors, and unaligned strategies looping in our outer world. It's time to engage in a deeper process of how to feel, release, and transform the unseen things in the dark that keep you stuck.
- Re-Connect with Your Genius: Game Changers all have a gift. This work isn't just about feeling ok. This work is about getting you in touch with your genius, your gift, your potential- so you can live out your calling. No more just surviving. This is about getting back in touch with your superpowers. It includes cultivating your intuition and then doing what you came here to do.
You’re not just in the story—you’re writing it. Choose wisely.

"The outside world will always respond to what’s happening inside of you. The game changers are the ones who master their inner world first—they find the key within and watch as the outer world delivers a life better than they could have imagined".
This year is going to hold big transformations for many of you. Are you ready? You don't have to wait for a special sign, or for shit to hit the fan- you can start today. For those already on the journey, take courage and stay on the path. We'll have some exciting offers to support you on your journey this year.
Do you know what story you're writing this year? If not, here's a good place to start:
- What outer revolution do you want to see in your life?
- What intuitive hunches did you get when reading this? Where is the inner world calling you this year?
- What scenes do you want to change in your life? Can you connect to the feeling of what a new reality might feel like if you could create it?
- If you’re ready to take your inner work deeper, keep your eyes open for this year's group work, 1:1 offers, and upcoming events.
Happy 2025, Game Changers.
I'm happy to be here with you. It's going to be a phenomenal year.