Inner World Development and The Game Changers

Inner World Development and The Game Changers
Photo by Marek Piwnicki / Unsplash

We started off this series with a simple question: “do you fit in here?”

My intention was to discover others who are interested in exploring the answer to that question because I have a theory about where it may lead us.

I also wanted to show how questions like that begin to move us through a path of evolution to find the answers.

Today is the second to last email in the series that started with that simple question. Before I jump into the strange and exciting twist we’ll take later, I want to re-cap real quick to make sure we’re still all on the same page.

We started with you. We asked some big questions like ‘how do I fit in this world?”

And then we went on a grand adventure via images, words and stories to paint a picture of you, your story and the current stage in history that we’re on together. We’ve almost made it full circle and this is what we’ve covered so far…

We are all the same in one very broad way; we’re all busy trying to move towards something or away from something. These things that cause us to move can usually be boiled down to pain points or desires. We share the same prompts to evolve even though the specifics are radically different. These pain points or desires are recognized usually as the ‘problems’ we face. These problems present the biggest opportunities to evolve, as they are the three main entry points to Inner World Development. I refer to these main entry points as Healing, Performance, and Profits.

Inner World Development is the fastest, most effective way to solve most of our problems, to evolve ourselves and to find the answers to the most pressing questions (like the one we started out with). And yet, it is widely under-developed and most of us don’t know how to navigate this well on our own. However, properly defining the problem is often half the solution. Thus, knowing when your problem falls into one of these main entry points is your first major clue that Inner World Development is part of the solution.

Meanwhile, the plot thickens. Your story is put in context. Our planet is going through major changes in technology, education, culture, awareness, and is also smack-dab-in-the-middle of a cosmic shift. The Old Age had a heavy focus on Outer World Development and the Shift in Ages is moving towards a need for Integration by bringing in a massive amount of Inner World Development. You are in the middle, on the Transition Team; a place very few in all of history have been. Your development can now affect the foundation for an entire Age.

Thus, we left off with the pertinent questions of ‘how?’

How is it that you are somehow an integral part of this transition? How could you possibly play a significant role? What exactly is Inner World Development and how does this all tie together for your life?

Underdeveloped Inner World

“Inner movement is the force by which all

events are brought to pass”.

- Neville Goddard

The internal world contains some of the most powerful elements we know of today and is one of the only places where you, the individual, has the control needed to create change. Modern research has confirmed that the nature of our thoughts, emotions, internal narratives, and mental images not only influence our outer world but perhaps form it entirely.

The Inner World houses portals to change. The Placebo Effect, for example, has consistent and abnormal healing rates (sometimes up to 72%!) that often outperform official physical remedies. The body can ‘miraculously’ heal itself through inner world operations alone (thoughts, beliefs, feelings, expectations, etc). Group meditations can raise the vibration of a whole city and reduce crime. Twins, mothers, and other types of closely connected souls can intuitively know what’s happening to a loved one across space and time. People can change symptoms of depression and anxiety in their bodies through learning how to understand and manage their emotions. Genius inventors credit their breakthroughs to imagination, dreams and supernatural connections. These are undebated understandings in the scientific world and are small drops in the bucket of what a developed inner world is capable of. There are many diverse entry points and domains of the inner world, making it's potential, power, and reach more influential than many of us usually comprehend.

Exmaple of Inner World Domains

Bottom line: the incredible depths of possibilities, power, and resources available to us in the inner world have been highly under-developed. Developing our Inner Worlds is not only a way to access the magic we’ve always wanted to believe in, it is also the fastest way to solve the top three problem types most of us face.

I’m not the only one who sees this problem and solution. There are Game Changers all over the world doing incredible work. Most of you have likely venturned into one or more of these fields through personal interest, career choices or family practices.

Examples of Inner World Development Fields

Back to you...

If you’re receiving this email it’s because you’re connected to me through some kind of inner world development domain; entrepreneurs, fundraising, artists, groups, coaches, and other professional peers. I already know you've likely invested a great deal of effort in your own inner world development to heal, improve your performance or level-up your profits and impact. Perhaps you weren’t always aware that you were actually developing your inner world to create change in your life but the very act of doing so has put you in a special category of individuals who I consider to be Game Changers in this unique time in history.

And if you allow me one more night to continue this story, I’ll tell you something even more strange and exciting about how your inner world development can have an unexpected effect on everyone around you and how a very small group of people will have a very large impact on what’s about to happen next.

How Your Inner World Development has an effect All Around You

Tomorrow this story comes to an interesting end.

Til then,

Jesska Layne Herfst, MAPC