The Red Pill Sucks If you've been reading these, you know we just talked about the 'Red Pill vs Blue Pill'. Red Pill= waking up to who you really are and making that the priority, because ultimately that's the key to all other things we want and need;
Red Pill or Blue Pill? I see talk of "Red Pill or Blue Pill?" cropping up more and more. The 'red pill and blue pill' is a meme representing a choice between taking either a "red pill" that reveals an unpleasant truth, or taking a "blue pill"
News Featured The Short Version: Game Changers Guide to (r)Evolution The following is from my book "Inner World Development: The Game Changer's Guide to (r)Evolution". It is the quickest way to share my general thesis. If you have questions about the meaning of terms I use frequently like 'the story, the time, the game
Inner World Development Know Thyself: How to Avoid Faulty Conclusions I received the following messages from several of my closest family and friends last week: “Why are you being so quiet? What’s going on? I want to hear how you are doing.” This was the gist of my reply to each of them: “I’m fine. I just feel