The Only Way Out "The only way out is in"- Junot Diaz Happy Monday! Did you do the exercise over the weekend? What did you come up with? Were you surprised by what arose from the questions? I'd love to hear about how it went and any discoveries you
Good Fortune Chases Genius If you've been reading these, you know we just talked about the 'Red Pill vs Blue Pill'. Red Pill= waking up to who you really are and making that the priority, because ultimately that's the key to all other things we want and need;
The Red Pill Sucks If you've been reading these, you know we just talked about the 'Red Pill vs Blue Pill'. Red Pill= waking up to who you really are and making that the priority, because ultimately that's the key to all other things we want and need;
Red Pill or Blue Pill? I see talk of "Red Pill or Blue Pill?" cropping up more and more. The 'red pill and blue pill' is a meme representing a choice between taking either a "red pill" that reveals an unpleasant truth, or taking a "blue pill"
News Featured The Short Version: Game Changers Guide to (r)Evolution The following is from my book "Inner World Development: The Game Changer's Guide to (r)Evolution". It is the quickest way to share my general thesis. If you have questions about the meaning of terms I use frequently like 'the story, the time, the game
Inner World Development Know Thyself: How to Avoid Faulty Conclusions I received the following messages from several of my closest family and friends last week: “Why are you being so quiet? What’s going on? I want to hear how you are doing.” This was the gist of my reply to each of them: “I’m fine. I just feel