My Most Requested Process Prompt

My Most Requested Process Prompt
Photo by Brittani Burns / Unsplash

As promised, I'm here to give you an inner world development prompt that will:

- help you connect to your zone of genius

- bring clarity to your current path

- establish understanding of how to move forward

- light you up by deepening your mind/body connection and using your whole brain without even trying

These prompts use creative expression. They are simple enough for a child to participate but are cultivated with an elevated understanding of neurobiological processes, internal integration and mind/body connections.

The trick to getting the most out of it is two-fold:

- don't overthink

- lose all sense of 'perfection' and just play

You will know you're not overthinking when you just do each instruction, in order, without planning ahead, trying to figure it out, or allowing your inner critic to control how you approach the creative aspect. If you notice you are overthinking, that's ok. Just notice the internal activity, and redirect yourself quickly.

You will know you're losing sight of perfection when you're just enjoying the process, not worrying about how it looks, what's coming next or what it all means. You will know you're playing when you notice you feel a sense of ease, lightness or carefree exploration.

(There's a metaphor building here already, do you see it?)

Before I start, I cannot stress this enough: THERE ISN'T A RIGHT WAY TO DO THIS. You can't do it 'wrong'. Let that go when it comes up, and do what you understand to do. Enjoy.

Ok, without further ado, here it is:

"The 'EYE' Prompt"

Materials Needed:- 4 Pieces of blank paper (or whatever medium you prefer)- Pens, pencils, or markers- Crayons, paint, or collage materials (whatever you have lying around. I did it once with sharpies and highlighters. Any art material will work)

Time Expected: - As little as ten minutes- as long as you want (I did this process over a span of four days once, and another time did it in less than an hour)

1. Grab your 4 pieces of paper and a something to write with

2. Quickly, without overthinking, make a random mark on each of the four pages

3. You should have 4 pages, each with a random mark. Now, go back through with your art materials of choice (like crayons, markets, sharpies, collage, etc) and make an image out of each mark. The image can be whatever you want it to be, try not to overthink and just create whatever comes to mind. It doesn't have to be literal, there are no rules. This might be really relaxing, playful or fun.

4. You should have 4 pages, each with a random mark that has now been turned into an image of your choice. Next, look at these 4 sentence starters below:

"I want... "
"I need... "

"I feel..."
"I am..."

There are 4 statements. Pick one statement, add it to the page you feel it best belongs with, and continue until there are no more statements. When completed, each page will have one statement, and each page will have a different statement.

5. Now you have 4 pages with a mark turned into an image and the beginning of a sentence written on it. Next, sit with each page, one at a time, taking in the image and the beginning of the sentence. Complete the sentence with whatever naturally comes to your mind when you reflect on the page. Don't overthink, just let it flow. Write as much or as little as needed to finish the sentence. Repeat until all four are completed.

Usually, after doing this prompt (without even processing it), people report feeling:

- lighter

- peaceful

- insightful, inspired, like a weight has been lifted

- Curious about themselves

- More kind towards themselves

- More aware of what they possess internally

- Clarity

- Emotional release or breakthrough

Once you're done, consider leaving them out somewhere you can see them for the next few days and allow them to continue to speak to you. Often, insights begin after completing the prompt and continue throughout the week, sometimes even longer!

Let me know what you experienced doing this prompt, and as always, feel free to hit me up with any questions.

If you'd like to process this prompt professionally, this is one of the beginning activities to my Professional Clarity Groups. Often times, after people do the prompt, a lightbulb goes off and they crave the professional art processing feedback that we do in group. We process these with a special format designed to develop our inner worlds. The results are usually wild and include gaining a deep clarity, unexpected transformations, emotional breakthroughs and launching real world results and shifts. It's powerful, life changing and always full of surprises.

Here to support your inner world development,

Jesska Layne Herfst, MAPC

High Performance Consultant

Founder of Layne & Hugh Consulting