The Movement: A Quiet (r)Evolution

We recently discussed the creative way to avoid doomsday. I left off with the promise to continue the conversation by explaining how something so simple could achieve something so impossible.
Simplicity is complexity resolved.
Today, on our path to discovering how we achieve the spectacular result of a better world through the peculiar path of things like art and the inner world, I must first tell you The Story and introduce you to The Movement.

"Angels are agents of evolution. Angels have been described as bundles of light, meaning intelligence, consciousness. Our ancestors believe that above every blade of grass is an angel crying "Grow! Grow!"
I'll go further. I believe that above the entire human race is one super-angel, crying "Evolve! Evolve!" - S. Pressfield, The War of Art
This is The Story of our time. It's the story of a beautiful Movement, a Quiet (r)Evolution of the bravest souls, united by the invisible pull inside, to move the world forward at an incredibly difficult time.

The protagonists are the Game Changers, the souls who are developing the inner world and shifting from one reality to the next. These souls have taken on a difficult task, one that comes with a great cost and even greater rewards. The playing field involves the inner world, the outer world, and the fate of their perfectly timed integration.
The Antagonist is the Game itself. The struggle is between two ideas, two opposite energetic realities, two opposing spiritual outcomes. We, the players, are hanging in the balance between these two stories at this very moment.
The Game; its goal is to keep power and gain power through its ever-present structures of control in the outer world. This Game is an intricate web of illusions that is the basis of power and governance in societies worldwide. It is the once-invisible infrastructure of politics, money, fame, success, and modernity. At its most distilled, the Game is an ages-old system that controls people through unspeakable means and its end game is power.
The Goal is for enough of the players to evolve, from the inside out to awaken so deeply, the Game is changed forever. This collective awakening is the quiet {r}evolution. While all looks lost, the great shift in Time is the Game Changer's strategic window of opportunity.

The Inner World is the battleground; all those who venture deep enough to change will face a heavy burden. As with any good story, there are tools for the journey, a general guide to help light the way, and a glimpse of what lies ahead should the Game Changers win.
The Great Battle; The inner world holds a different type of currency. We contain within us the innate power to alter reality with (let's call it) an 'energetic vote'. This vote comes from what we believe. What we believe arises out of what we are willing to face, to understand, to know. To understand and to know comes from our willingness to go in and face our pain, our desires, our fears, our dreams- all of it. This is the path of the truth seeker; all roads eventually lead 'in'.
The Players who develop their inner worlds and engage the Truth that lies within, break out of the Game. These players become a powerful collective force, capable of 'voting' in a new reality. The state of our inner world is what will be reflected in our outer world. We can only wield that powerful vote when we go within, and discover the truth. The players that accomplish this, even unknowingly, become the Game Changers.

The Choice; players that pass up this responsibility, vote for The Game by default. The Game won't stop, it will continue to grow until it owns all of us, until it owns our inner worlds as well. In a universe full of possibility, we have the great honor and responsibility to rise up and alter The Game.
The Story we believe about this time and what lies ahead changes everything.

“The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters”. -Antonio Gramsci
Our story unfolds on a stage between two Ages.
An old world is dying and a new one is not yet established.
In an average lifespan, a person will have many seasons of development. As a child, we develop our basic relationships to time, space, nature, people, and our own bodies. As young adults, we build a relationship with adventure, risk, and exploration. There are seasons that call us to focus on practicalities like building and finding a home, a family, a daily pursuit. There are seasons that call us to explore, to love and even to fight.
“For everything, there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven”. - King Solomon
The planet and the human species go through different seasons of development as well, often associated with the Ages. These Ages all have their focus of development in our historical landscape. Just as each generation has its key characteristics that contribute to our growing personality as a species, each Age of time has a similar shaping effect upon us, each with a new type of development required.
There are times that call for great outer world advancements. There are seasons of important outer world focus. There is a time and a place for all things to unfold.
The answers in times past have been found in terms of outer world development; things like technology, products, weapons, and infrastructure. Our most recent outer world solutions focused on cheaper, faster ways of doing things, lifestyle conveniences, easy access to housing, cars, and medicine, bigger cities, globalization, reliance on institutions to solve pressing cultural concerns, and so on.
While it's natural to look to the ways of the past for answers to the present, the answers to our collective crisis will no longer be able to be solved through the direct route to the outer world. Our next phase of evolution, if we so choose it at this time, is one of inner-world development.

Personal, cultural, and cosmic realities are shifting. It is a rare moment in humanity’s timeline. There is no longer a question of whether or not we face imminent change, but rather, what direction will these major shifts take us? We are in the process, despite the outer appearances, of making a massive jump in human evolution. The Game as we know it is about to change.
The Game is the current way of the world. The way of the world has led to clear breakdowns. It is no longer serving the best and highest of humanity. The collective is feeling these breakdowns and is looking for answers. As we shift into a new Age, we must embrace the call to develop a new part of our humanity: the truth that resides in the inner world.
Perhaps the time before was for the slow awakening and gentle preparation for the acts of the Ages to change. Perhaps there is innate wisdom inside of us waiting for the ideal time to evolve our inner worlds together, in the strategic windows of time provided by a greater time-keeper. Perhaps we’ve been patiently waiting for this precise intersection of shifts to implement the rapid evolution of our inner worlds.
The history of mankind waits for windows of time such as this to make a leap forward that fulfills the true design of the human body, soul, and spirit. We have the opportunity to make that leap now or to repeat history once again.
“Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakes”- Carl Jung
Inner world development is the cultivation of our unique gifts as human beings. It involves the interconnected growth of our mind, soul, spirit, and body. It is the development of our most dormant and powerful abilities.
These God-given abilities embedded in our human creation are the basis for all that we most value: critical thinking, intuitive reasoning, emotional and physical healing, health, anti-aging, love, joy, strong relationships, healthy families, safe communities, creative solutions to life’s complexities, soul-aligned lives, and spiritual capabilities.

The inner world must be developed to evolve out of the old patterns of the world and to meet the grand future patiently awaiting our collective maturity. Without its development, we will write a future that deepens the unnecessary suffering we already experience.
Many of us don’t realize that all of our most pressing issues, all of our deepest pain points, and deepest desires are actually inner-world issues from the start. We’re not going somewhere new with inner-world development, we’re simply aligning with what is already true. We’re going to the source of our issues; we’re going to the source of reality. Within us is the power to create the outer world reality. We must expand what we believe is possible. We have to gently untangle the information we’ve come to believe and do the tedious work of remembering what is true. We must stretch our inner worlds to match the greatness of the highest reality. When we are healed, connected, and aligned with the truth of who we really are, it is always more beautiful than we can imagine.
The people who will lead us through that great leap from the old game to an integrated world, are the individuals referred to as the Game Changers. These souls are scattered throughout the world, doing the quiet, difficult work of forging deeper into the development of their inner worlds. This movement is a call to those who are pioneers in this work, to those who are new to it as well as to those who have not yet started. These Game Changers are the trailblazers, the humble lights who dedicate their lives to answer the call from within, and together, they create a quiet (r)evolution that will change the game forever.
“A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.” - Mahatma Gandhi
When small, united groups of people choose the path of inner world development, we stand the chance of altering the game, transforming our world, and establishing a new baseline of evolution.

Game Changers are the ones who are answering this call. They are responding to something within, seeking truth, and developing the inner world despite the cost. They are key to tilting the scales during this unique time of transition throughout the world.
An effective movement does not require everyone to answer the call, it simply requires enough of us to answer the call.
Game Changers are leading the way, whether they know it or not. To support them and equip them to keep going, we write the story so they have a chance to find themselves within it. There are guides and tools to help them on this high-cost, difficult journey. There are simple gifts along the way of special tribes and creative expression to keep their souls strong, thriving, and supported during this incredible time.
We are on the cusp of understanding, in small collectives, that the outer is composed of our inner realities. It is all interconnected. We do indeed have the power to change more than what we thought possible. As within, so without. The more Players that engage the inner world, the more we discover, as a collective, the best and highest Story. The more we all understand the right Story, the more powerful this Story becomes in the outer world.
The Story we believe is the one we will live out, together.

“No one has ever done anything like this before. That’s why it’s going to work” Neo, the Matrix
The Game keeps us looking, seeking, and turning to the external world to satisfy our needs. It does not want us to wake up to our worth or capabilities. It works hard to keep us from developing the gold that lays dormant within.
The Game uses our undeveloped inner worlds against us; it dangles our inner unmet needs and lack of awareness of how our own souls work and uses those pieces to entice us into the game to survive, to feel good, and to try and win.
Playing the game is an illusion. But we play because the rules and the pressures to play are constantly repeated through our outer experiences. We subconsciously intake the rules of The Game, as well as the pressure to play, through repetitive messages in our institutions, culture, and through tasty propaganda. It’s been ingrained that playing is a necessary evil to survive or thrive in the outer world.
The Game knows the power of the inner world, and it knows the power of the collective story we choose to believe. The Game has offered you a story and will continue, by all means necessary, to keep this narrative alive.

This a battle over what Story we choose to believe about this moment. The Game is the default story, and it wants you to stay asleep and allow it to dominate well into the new Age. That still small voice inside you, wants you to wake up. It wants you to remember the truth of who you are and to develop the incredible resources you've been given, deep within.
If we ignore the responsibility of developing our own inner world resources, other powers will seek them out. Whatever we don’t govern on our own, something else will seek control.
For something beautiful and new to take hold, the old must fall away. The process of a new and better-shared reality is born out of a desire to be united with the truest form of who we are; it is born out of the pain of an old reality that is no longer able to bear the weight of the unbalanced world it's created. This pain and desire is universal; it’s in the collective awareness. It’s calling out to those who will listen and those who will listen are moving the storyline forward.
For the grandness of the new to emerge, massive changes away from the old must happen. The emergence of higher, integrated realities can first look like the death and destruction of lesser realities. The old must fall away so something new can take its place. This process is started in the inner world.
The process of one reality crumbling so a new one can emerge can look like an outer revolution caused by an inner evolution.
"The Movement is a quiet (r)Evolution"
The call is to take radical responsibility for our future and for ourselves. To take responsibility for ourselves is to wake up to the reality of who we are, and to develop the incredible resources we've been given.
The call is to remember who we are and what we came here to do. All of the answers, all the freedom, all the power, it's all within us.
It’s a beautiful story, one of great sacrifice and grand adventure. It is a journey of unprecedented pain and wonder. Perhaps, in the end, it’s the story of a new dawn and a new era of human potential.
“Revolution only needs good dreamers who remember their dreams.” - Tennessee Williams

Stay tuned for Part 3 where we'll talk about how this all plays out.
And if you haven't checked it out yet, you're invited to join me for the first two episodes of Alice In No Man's Land. You can listen while you work on your Flower Art prompt.
I've asked the thinkers, storytellers, and those who dedicate their life's work to asking big questions to delve into the process of answering these three big ones for all of us: