Performance and the Three C's

We take a break from our regular scheduled programming to discuss the Game Changers Summer Challenge: Performance and The Three C's.
What's your area of performance?
We all have many. Each arena of life is a different stage on which we are cultivating our best characters. These characters are our ultimate art, our personal creations, they are our best selves performing the Great Play of Life.
Pursuing the best and truest version of who we are is the highest form of love for ourselves and the world around us.
This performance is not to be confused with the kind of 'performing' where we pretend to be what someone else or whatever society says we're supposed to be. Quite the opposite. When we pursue performance work as Game Changers, we are learning to intentionally express, cultivate, and expand our unique personhood and the gifts within. This kind of performance work is the most potent kind of personal adventure and is wildly rewarding.

It feels good to discover our truest selves. It feels really good to know how to use our innate gifts. It's an unequaled high to know who we are, to know what we're good at, and to fall in love with the process of expanding our performance in all the arenas that mean the most to us.
This expansion is fundamental to the Game Changer's nature. We have a fun little challenge to help us discipline and grow our inner worlds to uphold our best performance.
Pick an aspect of your life that you feel the most drawn to. This area of performance, be it parenthood, work life, business, finance, love, self-care, your body, your family- whatever it is, this is the arena you'll look to expand, to be more you, to elevate your experience, to celebrate your best performance to date. If you so choose to accept, this will be your arena for the summer challenge.

Think of the most precious, pure, lovable person. Think of a child, or perhaps even yourself at a younger age; try and find the purest, sincerest form of love inside yourself. Think of this person, child, or younger version of you and tune into how you feel for a moment. Can you tap into a deep love and compassion? What about fierce protection? Can you sense the purity with which that child or person should be treated? Do you feel the impulse to protect, nurture, and cherish that person? Think it over until you can connect with those emotions.

Remember this image.
The challenge is to gently discipline our inner world for expansion.

It's not that hard. I promise.
"Discipline is the highest form of self-love and self-respect"
The inner world is an incredibly potent realm where all the power and tools to create our outer reality reside. Even the most gentle of disciplines can bring about wonders.
This summer, the state of our inner worlds will be on full display. How we care for and discipline this realm will be a major factor in how smooth or uncomfortable the next couple of chapters of life will feel.

This topic, as well as the hurdles ahead, can be overwhelming. Massively overwhelming. But it doesn't have to be. For the Game Changers, it won't be. We're ready for the game and we know we were made for these exact times.
So, the challenge this summer is all about accomplishing three complex things in a very simple way:
- gentle discipline of our inner realm; key to protecting and expanding our most precious resources and gifts
- lightening the load in the inner realm; a key to floating when things get heavy
- perceptual flexibility; a key to truth-seeking, freedom, and creativity
How do we accomplish all that?
Here it is: The Summer Challenge for the Game Changers is to go on a fast, a sabbatical, a break, a cleanse from the Three C's.

I'm in the process of moving across the country.
The further the trip, the better it feels to dump unnecessary baggage. Lightening the load allows for much faster, safer, and cleaner transit.
We're going through massive changes as a country and in the world. Our transit can feel like an exciting adventure or a heavy nightmare. We get to decide.
Dumping the Three C's this summer will help lighten the load, expand your performance in the area you feel most drawn to, and protect you from unnecessary suffering.
This summer, the challenge is to take a break from these Three C's. Here they are:

We're not refraining from the three C's to be good, or to be nice, or to be better behaved. We're not getting any goody-tooshoo points for doing this. We won't win religious bingo if we get enough days in a row. This is not about looking good for other people or being some kind of example of 'proper behavior'. I'm not really into any of that.
Recall for a moment the area of performance you chose earlier. Recall the person you thought of that evoked a fierce love and protection from your heart.

Dumping the Three C's is about those two things, and I'll show you how.
Picture the person you chose walking nervously down the road, in a dark town. The world around them is difficult, war-torn, full of uncertainty and fear. The child you pictured walks bravely past several doors, turns into a rehearsal hall, and begins to practice their gift. They are young, and just learning. They pour their heart out working hard in the rehearsal hall learning how to cultivate the one thing they can control in a dangerous time, their own development. You watch as they try over and over to get the steps right, as they get lost in their work, as they learn to grow up into who they want to be, little by little.
The person you thought of as precious and worth fiercely protecting, is symbolic of you at your purest, the inner child.
The area of performance you selected is symbolic of your rehearsal hall.
The dark town is symbolic of the unique time we're in, full of epic shifts in the human timeline.
So the challenge is this: whatever area you choose as your rehearsal hall, that's the area where you ditch the three C's. The rehearsal hall becomes sacred, in honor of the Child who showed up to do the purest work in a difficult time. For this one area in your life, treat yourself like you would a child you'd fiercely protect. While in this one arena, treat your performance like it's sacred and worthy of compassion and kindness while you learn to be something new.

No Comparison. No criticism. No complaining.
Watch your performance unfold before your eyes. Experience the weight being lifted as you float a little lighter during a strange, strange time. And learn the magic of gently disciplining your inner world.
When feel the results, expand the practice to other arenas.

“Discipline is the difference between ordinary and extraordinary.”
It all begins with the thoughts we think.