The Short Version: Game Changers Guide to (r)Evolution

The following is from my book "Inner World Development: The Game Changer's Guide to (r)Evolution".
It is the quickest way to share my general thesis. If you have questions about the meaning of terms I use frequently like 'the story, the time, the game changers, or the (r)evolution', this should clear it up quickly.
Getting Straight to the Point
A few years ago I sat at a family meeting I had called into session. My siblings and their spouses joined me at the table where I prepared an informal presentation, complete with several handouts to convey my thoughts on the matter at hand. I did my best to explain my ideas regarding the concerns we all shared along with my suggested plan of action. My brother sat attentive with his arms crossed and kept interrupting my curated presentation by saying, “Just get to the point.” After I had finished, he leaned in and rapidly fired questions like, “But what does all this mean? What do you want from us? What are you getting at? What are you really trying to say?” He was intense and it felt like an interrogation. Flustered, I snapped back with three sharp, short sentences that summarized my whole point. I admit there was some attitude included. This approach felt harsh compared to my first, more elaborate attempt. He sat back with approval and said, “There, that I understand. That makes sense. I’m with you. That was good. All that other stuff was garbage, this was good. Keep it simple and just tell it like it is.” Annoying as it was, it taught me a lesson.
Despite my brother’s feedback, I firmly believe it was the combination of communication styles that helped bring clarity that night. So now, I like to do both. I will start by getting straight to the point and tell you what this book is about in the simplest terms. Then I will go into greater context, detail, and explanation to paint the full story. So, if you only want the ‘brother-version’ you can get it in just a few pages. However, if you want the magic that ultimately turned my brother into a believer, trust the more elaborate approach and keep reading.
Let’s begin…
This book is not my own. The great minds, stories, and breakthroughs that have gone before us point repeatedly to this tale. There is nothing new in these pages. This is a simple synthesis; a way to string words together, describing what you already know to be true.
This book is a tale of our time. It involves the inner world, the outer world, and the fate of their perfectly timed integration. This unique moment provides an opportunity to burst forth into a new era of human potential. The protagonists are the Game Changers, the souls who are developing the inner world and shifting from one reality to the next. These souls have taken on a difficult task, one that comes with a great cost and potentially even greater rewards. The Resistance comes from the Game; its goal is to keep power and gain power through its ever-present structures of control in the outer world. The Goal is for enough of the players to evolve, from the inside out to awaken so deeply, the Game is changed forever. This collective awakening is the quiet {r}evolution. While all looks lost, the great shift in Time is the Game Changer's strategic window of opportunity. The Inner World is the battleground; all those who venture deep enough to change will face a heavy burden. As with any good story, there are tools for the journey, a general guide to help light the way, and a glimpse of what lies ahead should the good guys win.
The story we tell ourselves about this time and what lies ahead changes everything.
“The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters”.
-Antonio Gramsci
The world is at a unique point in history. Personal, cultural and even cosmic realities are shifting. It is a rare moment in humanity’s timeline. There is no longer a question of whether or not we face imminent change, but rather, what direction will these major shifts take us? We are in the process, despite the outer appearances, to make a massive jump in human evolution. The Game as we know it is about to change.
The Game is the current way of the world. The way of the world has led to clear breakdowns. It is no longer serving the best and highest of humanity. The collective is feeling these breakdowns and is looking for answers.
The answers in times past have been found in terms of outer world development; technology, cheaper, faster ways of doing things, lifestyle conveniences, easy access to housing, cars, and medicine, bigger cities, globalization, reliance on institutions to solve pressing cultural concerns and so on.
The answers to our collective crisis will no longer be able to be solved through the direct route to the outer world. Our next phase of evolution, if we so choose it at this time, is one of inner-world development.
The history of mankind waits patiently for windows of time such as this to make a leap forward that fulfills the true design of the human body, soul, and spirit. We have the opportunity to make that leap now or to repeat history once again.
“Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakes”- Carl Jung
Inner world development is the cultivation of our unique gifts as human beings. It involves the interconnected growth of our mind, soul, spirit, and body. It is the development of our most dormant and powerful abilities.
These God-given abilities embedded in our human creation are the basis for all that we most value: critical thinking, intuitive reasoning, emotional and physical healing, health, anti-aging, love, joy, strong relationships, healthy families, safe communities, creative solutions to life’s complexities, soul-aligned lives, and spiritual capabilities.
The inner world must be developed to meet this grand fate of integration, of union, of oneness within our worlds. Without its development, we will write a future that deepens the unnecessary suffering we already experience.
Many of us don’t realize that all of our most pressing issues, all of our deepest pain points, and deepest desires are actually inner-world issues from the start. We’re not going somewhere new with inner-world development, we’re simply aligning with what is already true. We’re going to the source of our issues; we’re going to the source of reality. Within us is the power to create the outer world reality. We must expand what we believe is possible. We have to gently untangle the information we’ve come to believe and do the tedious work of remembering what is true. We must stretch our inner worlds to match the greatness of the highest reality. When we are healed, connected, and aligned with the truth of who we really are, it is always more beautiful than we can imagine.
The people who will lead us through that great leap from the old game to an integrated world are the individuals referred to as the Game Changers. These souls are scattered throughout the world, doing the quiet, difficult work of forging deeper into the development of their inner worlds. This book is a call to those who are pioneers in this work, to those who are new to it as well as to those who have not yet started. These Game Changers are the trailblazers, the humble lights who dedicate their lives to answer the call from within, and together, they create a quiet (r)evolution that will change the game forever.
When small, united groups of people choose the path of inner world development, we stand the chance of altering the game, transforming our world, and establishing a new baseline of evolution.
Game Changers are the ones who are answering this call. They are responding to something within and expanding the inner world despite the cost. They are key to tilting the scales during this unique time of transition throughout the world.
Game Changers are leading the way, whether they know it or not. To support them and equip them to keep going, we write the story so they have a chance to find themselves within it. There are guides and tools to help them on this high-cost, difficult journey. There are simple gifts along the way of special tribes and creative expression to keep their souls strong, thriving, and supported during this incredible time.
As within, so without. The more GCs that engage the inner world, the more it tells the story of the outer world. We are on the cusp of understanding, in small collectives, that the outer is composed of our inner realities. It is all interconnected. We do indeed have the power to change more than what we thought possible.
The Game keeps us looking, seeking, and turning to the external world to satisfy our needs. Broken down in generalities, the hook is that you will have what you want by chasing external markers in the outer world. The result is that something else ends up having power over you.
The Game is an intricate web of rules that is the basis of power and control in societies around the world. It’s the once-invisible infrastructure of politics, money, fame, success, and modernity in general. At its most distilled, the Game is an ages-old system that governs people through control and its end game is power.
The Game uses our undeveloped inner worlds against us; it dangles our inner unmet needs and lack of awareness of how our own soul works and uses those pieces to entice us into the game to survive, to feel good, to try and win. Playing the game is an illusion. But we play because the rules and the pressures to play are constantly repeated through our outer experiences and shown to us in our collective stories, culture, and propaganda. It’s been ingrained that playing is a necessary evil to survive or thrive in the outer world.
Ultimately, if we ignore the responsibility of developing our own inner world resources, other powers will seek them out. Whatever we don’t govern on our own, something else will seek control. The call is to take radical responsibility for our future and for ourselves. To take responsibility for ourselves first is to confront our own inner worlds.
For something beautiful and new to take hold, the old must fall away. The process of a new and better-shared reality is born out of a desire to be united with the truest form of who we are; it is born out of the pain of an old reality that is no longer able to bear the weight of the unbalanced world it's created. This pain and desire is universal; it’s in the collective awareness. It’s calling out to those who will listen and those who will listen are moving the storyline forward.
For the grandness of the new to emerge, massive changes away from the old must happen. The emergence of higher, integrated realities can first look like the death and destruction of lesser realities. The old must fall away so something new can take its place. This process is started in the inner world and the flow of one reality crumbling so a new one can emerge can look like an outer revolution caused by an inner evolution.
It’s a beautiful story, one of great sacrifice and grand adventure. It is a journey of unprecedented pain and wonder. Perhaps, in the end, it’s the story of a new dawn and new era of human potential.