Shifting from Overwhelm: A quick reframe

Shifting from Overwhelm: A quick reframe
Photo by Artem Kovalev / Unsplash

At least once a day I hear from someone who is ready to tap out from stress or overwhelm. Makes sense, we're in a pandemic, going through a major universal transition and there's a lot of extra pain and awareness flying around.

Do we have to stay there though? Do we have to stay in overwhelm just because circumstances seem to be telling us to be at max stress levels?

One of my favorite reframes lately is this:

If you can't control it (as in, do something in the next ten minutes to make a difference and elevate your mood), then it's a distraction from doing what IS in your control.

Really want some relief? The second part of the reframe is to bypass the normal stuff you can control (to-do lists, etc) and instead, focus SPECIFICALLY on developing your unique gift to flourish (ie your purpose, your zone of genius, your calling) for ten minutes. That's it. That's the whole trick.

No excuses. No planning. No overthinking. If you've been waiting to write that book, practice that song, build a business, use your voice, learn the skill, research that idea- then do it, for ten minutes. Set a timer, and develop whatever makes you 'tick'.

The key is to intentionally let go of what you can't control and reinvest your energy into the #1 thing you can do to elevate your life: connect with and develop what makes you feel most alive. Developing your unique gift to flourish takes radical responsibility. This incredible responsibility is something we often unintentionally reliquish because we're constantly offered the opportunity to be consumed with options that zap us of our life force (ie things we cannot control). The further we stray from the purpose that lights us up, the harder it appears to get back to it; this is all a giant misperception. "Freedom= Responsibility" and Radical Responsibility is going to give you the radical freedom you crave. It's all waiting right in front of you.

Next time you feel overwhelmed, stressed or heavy from overwhelming thoughts, emotions and triggers, I challenge you to find relief by shifting from what you can't control and giving ten minutes to developing a little more of what makes you glow. Don't try and make it perfect, don't announce it or build it up to be more difficult or momentous than it is- just do it. For ten minutes. And tell me what happens next :)

Shifting from 'Out-of-Control' to 'More Glow' right along with you,

Jesska Layne Herfst, MAPC

High Performance Consultant

Founder of Layne & Hugh Consulting