The Only Way Out

The Only Way Out
Photo by Zoltan Tasi / Unsplash

"The only way out is in"- Junot Diaz

Happy Monday!

Did you do the exercise over the weekend?
What did you come up with?
Were you surprised by what arose from the questions?

I'd love to hear about how it went and any discoveries you made along the way. Sometimes re-iterating it helps to solidify helpful connections and insights.

For those of you that did the exercise, you've had great timing because Virgo Season is here! This means time for clarity, efficiency and discovery.

If you have felt confused, frustrated, panicked or depressed about the current circumstances, your future or the sheer uncertainty that seems to be floating around- you're not alone.

While this may seem like a heavy time (and, in a lot of ways it is) it is also an opportunity for massive change. Every problem has a solution. Just because things seem hairier, darker or more complex doesn't mean the solution isn't just as accessible, ready and awaiting manifestation (just as if the noise wasn't there at all).

So, if you're looking to become the next evolution of yourself, now is the perfect time to evolve.

If you're looking into the future wondering how your business, your dream, your vision is going to flourish and make an impact, now is the perfect time to figure it out.

If you're simply trying to heal from all the chaos and keep your head above the water so that you can even dare to dream or think about your truest desires at some point in the future, then now is the perfect time to actively heal.

What we do now affects who we will be next. Did you know that we are in a transition of Ages? For the last two thousand or so years, we've been in the Great Age of Pisces, and now, we're officially transitioning into the next Great Age of Aquarius. These transitions only happen every couple of thousand years.
If you're reading this, you're a part of a select group chosen to be a part of this rare, universal transition. Every calling, every gift, every soul, every business matters right now. We are all given a space in this current reality, this time in the universe to weigh in, to influence and create change around ourselves and the world at large to usher in a new Age. What we do now affects who we will be next. We get to set the tone through how we transition and then we get to set the stage with how we set up the foundation of this new Age, together.

You are not small. You are not insignificant. Your role cannot be replaced. You've been given a sphere of influence, and it's time to use that influence for the greatest and highest good of yourself and those around you.

In my professional experience, the best thing we can do to take responsibility, grow our resources and cultivate our impact is to engage in developing our inner world. It is from our inner world that all other things are established.

If we are healed, we perform better and make decisions that cause ourselves and those around us to flourish.

If we are evolving, we're elevating the world around us. If we are attuned to our traumas, our wounds, our triggers, then we are not easily controlled by forces that would enslave or harm us.

If we are developing our inner world, then we are cultivating (quite literally) the most powerful source of intelligence, innovation, and ability available on the planet.

We are capable of unbelievable things when we develop our internal worlds through healing, understanding and growing our unique gifts and purposes.

If you did the exercises this past weekend, then you got a glimpse and a taste of where you might want to start with inner world development. If you've been tuning into your pain points or your greatest desires lately, then you probably have an idea of where you need to explore your inner world for the results and relief you seek. And if you have been desiring a business or means of resources to grow during this difficult transition season, then you know on some level, you need to tap into the rich resources of your internal world to develop creative solutions, find genius insights and reshape your mindset to serve your better in this new landscape.

Does any of this resonate with you? If so, then you'll also soon learn that I'm an inner world guide and can be an incredible asset to you on this journey. This week, I'll be sending out a free prompt to help you tap into this inner world development, and to give you an experience that will reassure you that your own inner world is the source of power, help and resources you've been seeking.

This is what one of my members from the lastest group said about the process I use for inner world development (including the prompts):

“This (clarity) group was by far the most transformative group I’ve ever been a part of. As a business coach, I’ve been in numerous groups, this one exceeded every expectation I could have possibly had. The prompts were thought provoking and yet simple enough that my non-artistic side didn’t get scared off. The collaborative processing that followed that art was truly an experience I won’t forget. Jesska seamlessly walks you through transformative angles to help you pull the clarity needed from it. Run to this group, don’t walk, thank me later.” Dee K., member since 2017

"Get the inside right, and the outside will fall into place"- Eckhart Tolle

Thanks in advance,

Jesska Layne Herfst, MAPC

High Performance Consultant

Founder of Layne & Hugh Consulting