The Red Pill Sucks

The Red Pill Sucks
Photo by Karsten Winegeart / Unsplash

If you've been reading these, you know we just talked about the 'Red Pill vs Blue Pill'.

Red Pill= waking up to who you really are and making that the priority, because ultimately that's the key to all other things we want and need; it is the ultimate responsibility and therefore the ultimate freedom.

Taking the 'red pill' is a choice. That choice is usually made in a moment of inspiration, or deep frustration or when we collide with the real world results of NOT living out who we truly are, and how much it hurts to be separated from ourselves.

Everything after that choice becomes a journey that seems to demand a process of continual, personal evolution. Once you make that choice, settling becomes too painful, dumbing yourself down becomes too loudly offensive, and selling yourself short becomes worse than life before you took the 'red pill'.

And in that sense, the path post-red pill can suck.

It can get lonely, because you're evolving and transforming on a personal journey that not everyone around you has committed to yet.

It can be frustrating because you're not your old self anymore, but you're not quite yet your new self either.

It can be painful, because stepping into a new reality is a process of constant out-of-comfort-zone experiences.

It can be terrifying, because in the process of taking a leap of faith we're temporarily suspended in the air, not knowing if we're about to fly or free fall a long way down.

It can be humiliating because we're trusting a 'red pill' reality, where the rules of success, trusting and flourishing seem to be totally different then the world of the blue pill before it.

Is it all worth it? I would say yes. I have suffered immensely in Blue Pill and Red Pill reality. The truth is, we suffer in whatever reality we choose. Avoiding pain is rarely the best metric to make a decision by, because pain is often unavoidable. So, if we're going to suffer, shouldn't it all be for our total and complete best life possible?

I would choose the red pill again and again.

But I want to keep it real and let you know that if you've chosen a path of radical responsibility to develop your genius, your special gift, your unique purpose for being here on this earth and are pursuing it (especially in these confusing times) then you should know; you're not alone. And I know it sucks sometimes.

When it sucks, be reminded, it's part of the process. It doesn't necessarily mean you've made a wrong turn, or chose the wrong pill. It means you're going through the unavoidable pain of being alive, but at least you're doing it on the path that is the most worth while: the path of awakening to your truest self and your most potent purpose on this earth.

If that's you, keep going. We need you now and we need the you that you're becoming.

Here for you in the Glory and when it sucks,


High Performance Consultant

Founder of Layne & Hugh Consulting