The Truth Shall Set You Free

The Truth Shall Set You Free
Photo by Luca Bravo / Unsplash

I was walking down the beach, late at night, talking to my best friend, discussing worldviews when the topic of truth emerged.⁠

⁠ Truth, I realized, was it's own energy. Truth is it's own current, always running strong. It is us who tap in and out of it.⁠

Truth is so powerful, so full of transformation in and of itself, that the source of freedom lies first within truth. ⁠

⁠ Therefore, the only chance any other force has against truth is to gently, slowly remove you from that strength and alignment with truth.⁠

⁠ This happens subtly and over time. It is only when we are removed from truth that we fall; this rings true personally, as a culture and a world at large.⁠

⁠ The beauty of truth is that, even when it's been ignored, abandoned or despised, it is still there, ready and waiting to set free anyone who enters back into it.

Clarity then, is the process of returning to truth. The truth of who we are, what we're capable of and our purpose are constants that remain, always- even when we cannot hear, see or feel them.⁠

Clarity is the journey to remembering the truth of our lives which naturally causes all things false, old or unfitting to fall away and set us free. ⁠

⁠ We're remembering who we are in the Flourish Revolution. ⁠

Join us.

May we rise together,

Jesska Layne Herfst, MAPC

High Performance Consultant

Founder of Layne & Hugh Consulting