Why You Don't Fit In (and How to Find the Answer in Your problem)

Why You Don't Fit In (and How to Find the Answer in Your problem)
Photo by Belinda Fewings / Unsplash
“I thought she was crazy but perhaps she was only highly intuitive” - Carl Jung (on Introverted Intuition)

When you are born into a world you don’t fit in, it’s because you are here to help create a new one, or so I was told.

As a child I seemed to struggle more than others to do all the basics in life, like eating, sleeping, surviving freak accidents, and staying alive in general. I had several unusual illnesses that continually baffled my doctors, had complex issues with a rare blood type and a seemingly even stranger personality.

Though my struggles with the basics of life seemed grand, it appeared to my parents that I was equally strange in other, non-difficult ways. A favorite story my family tells is of a memory where I witnessed my giant father (both personality and stature) get into a power struggle with my older sister who about 7 yrs young at the time. After they butt-heads, I walked into my parents room as a small child and calmly told my father that I think there’s a much better way to approach my sister and that I’d like to share it with him because I think he’s the one with more power to make the situation better. Baffled, they told me to go to bed and stop giving them parenting advice, but mention it frequently in the list of unusual encounters with me.

This same sister tells of a moment when we were much older, as teens, sitting at the kitchen table. She was writing furiously in her journal with tears in her eyes while I was at the other end, sitting with my knees up on the chair, tucked in her oversized sweater so that all you could see is my hand bringing dry cheerios to mouth slowly, trying not to disturb my sister as she cried over her journal. She recalls that I very quietly and calmly explained to her what was making her so upset and why. While this seemed very plain to me at the time, she said that I had put words to years of confused pain that she regularly tried to express but could not. It was the day she said she first experienced a deep clarity inside that shifted everything, and it was also the day she decided I might be a very useful, martian sister.

Twenty years, extensive travel and a few degrees later, I’ve realized that I still don’t fit in and my essence seems to only get stranger and equally helpful as I go. But unlike the childhood phrase my loving mother would use to encourage me with, it’s not a new world I’m here to create; it’s an inner world I’ve learned to expertly navigate. As it turns out, I quickly understood that there are plenty of others who also do not fit in this world. And that, whether one fits or not, they suffer immensely when they don’t actively develop their inner world. Likewise, when there are groups, businesses and even whole countries that do not actively expand their inner worlds, deep suffering emerges.

My journey started as one who perhaps was shoved into the inner world through my strange sufferings, but gradually grew to one that specialized in educating, assisting and facilitating inner world development so that families, groups and whole institutions can move out of the deep suffering and into a deeper flourishing.

Through this work a strong perspective emerged that brought deep clarity to the people, problems and world around me. To share that perspective and the tools my team and I have developed to create rapid inner world expansion, we must first understand the problem we’re addressing.

'Inner World' // Art by IG @quantumspherehealer


(and the answer is in the problem)

There are two major problems I found at the core of almost all the groups, companies and individuals I worked with over the past fifteen years.

The first is obvious and pressing in on us daily; the problem of pain and desire.

The second is felt by all but rarely put into words the way we are attempting to in this discussion; the fundamental lack of understanding and development of the inner world.

We are all motivated to some degree by the simple notion of reducing pain and suffering OR being motivated towards desire- things we want in our lives. The problem we’re looking to solve is very similar, but the paths in how we do it vary greatly.

The curious part is that the second problem, the under-development of our inner world, is also one of the most efficient and quickest ways to solve our first problem and yet this option is highly overlooked, to the point of additional and unnecessary suffering.

Part of my mission is to spread information about the power of the innerworld, including how to access, understand and navigate it to create personal, lasting and sustainable transformation. I am incurably curious about co-creating a culture where the innerworld is as important and is intelligently accessed by individuals and groups as the outer world.

My aim is to provide these experiences to protect, heal and boost a specific group I warmly call the ‘Game Changers’. If you’re receiving these emails, you may be one of these Game Changers. Game Changers are people who are interested in or are already pioneering the path of Inner World Development. These individuals exist all over; they are simply the ones who are accelerating this movement through doing their own inner world development and becoming lights for others.

My groups are designed for Game Changers. I utilize unique tools specifically formulated as a comprehensive inner world development process that is designed to stand alone or to easily add into already-existing innerworld work you may already be using (ie meditation, prayer, spiritual/religious practices, therapeutic pursuits of all types, and high performance practices). We model, facilitate and train individuals, groups and organizations on how to experience the healing, performance and profitable results of this process.

Through equipping this group and with the integration of modern technology, we intend to see an unprecedented evolutionary explosion that will not only address our top two problems but lead to a type of cultural advancement not yet experienced in modern history. And all our misfits, our beloved Game Changers, are at the helm of this movement.

Too big to be true? Don’t just take my word for it. Stay tuned and I’ll show you how, why and when this is all coming into effect.

Tomorrow, I’ll break problem #1 into three main categories, making it easy to see where your current issue falls and how to easily begin to address it in a radically new way.

Then we’ll bring expedited results through solving problem #2; the guided exploration, intentional navigation and intelligent development of the Inner World on a personal and cultural level.

Will you be part of the (r)evolution?

Jesska Layne Herfst, MAPC