Your Official Invitation To: Wonderland

Your Official Invitation To: Wonderland
Photo by Johannes Plenio / Unsplash

We talk so often about the pain, the blocks, the barriers and the shit storms flailing upon us right now. And that's understandable.

"Where our attention goes, our energy flows". - Dr. Joe Dispenza

I hear that line by ALL THE TIME because he says it repeatedly in his meditations.

"Where our attention goes, our energy flows".

Throughout the day I scroll through instagram. I get a hit of the adrenaline as I see jaw-dropping or fist clenching posts about what's going on in the world. I read articles or check emails, both are filled with more pressing issues. I have meetings filled with to-do lists. I listen to loved ones pouring out their issues over long phone calls. I am deeply, emotionally involved with it all.

"Where our attention goes, our energy flows".

And then sometimes I get lucky and am hit with the best part of what my inner world has to offer: an invitation back to Wonderland. It feels like pure magic.

When I find the opportunitiy, I shift my awareness to some key questions. The answers become portals that connect my energy to a completely different wave length and I am transported to profound parts of life. These brief interludes provide me with insight, perspective and renewed energy.

So now I want to know, truly...
What's the most magical thing you can think of?
What's the most beautiful experience you've ever had?

I'm genuinely curious...
Do you know what it's like to have your soul on fire, in love with something?
Do you know what it's like to be utterly obsessed, moving through your days like an excited explorer, chasing a mystery too curious, too beautiful to articulate?

We don't talk enough about this part of life. And I wonder...

Have you ever had a dream chase you? A soft whisper in your mind, a gentle nudging in the quiet hours, the clips of blurry visions when you get lost in your own thoughts- calling you to something full of life?

Have you ever been overwhelmed with awe, wonder, insight or epiphanies? Do you remember what that's like?

Have you ever birthed ideas that felt like the divine smiled upon you with something more incredible than you thought you could create on your own?
Have you ever lived a day where each moment you felt practically drunk with joy or love?

I very much want to know...

Have you ever experienced a source of power flow through you, power to do incredible beautiful, healing things in the world? A power that made you feel protected, and like you were overflowing with gifts to give away freely to others, simply for the joy of it?

Can you imagine a life where your purpose for waking up everyday is so strong, so clear, there's no amount of external circumstances that could ever sway you from the core truth of who you are and why you're here?

Can you envision a life where you're in love with that purpose, and the more you do it, the more filled with life, joy and understanding you feel?

"Where our attention goes, our energy flows".

In the isolation, fear and division of 2020 our energy is following our awareness. So I invite you to ponder these questions with me. I challenge you to see what comes up if you sit with just one, two, or even all of these questions and then I dare to feel what comes up.

I'm curious if you have answers, would you share them out loud with another person? Could you shift the energy to something that beautiful this weekend? Can you bring those feelings about in your life by remembering them?

And if you answered yes to any of these, you're someone I want to know; you're someone I'd very much like to hear from. I'll be the safe source you can send off your answers too if it's too vulnerable or out-of-place to be discussed anywhere else. I'll just read and observe, sharing the awe of your moments.

These questions and the answers to them are one of the most beautiful upsides to Inner World Development. It's not just about overcoming the pain, it's about a whole WORLD full of magic, love, joy, wonder and mystery. It's a giant adventure and we are the heroes and heroines. It's truly a Wonderland and we are the explorers.

"Where our attention goes, our energy flows".

This is your (unsolicited) permission to direct your attention and energy somewhere beautiful this weekend.

I'd love to hear all about it.

See you in a Group,

Jesska Layne Herfst, MAPC